An unexpected journey

As I sit here a couple of days away from (hopefully) being ordained as a Priest in the Church of England, I find myself in reflective mood. Pondering how on earth (and indeed in Heaven) I arrived at this point, I find it all a bit funny.

A kid who grew up in a small town in industrial Teesside, I grew up with initial ambitions of being a Ninja or playing for Manchester United (I haven’t given up on the second one, and its probably more likely now than ever) Religion, Faith and the Priesthood were as far from my mind as they possibly could be.

This isn’t however a post about the absurdity of thinking of myself as a Priest, especially within an organisation that I used to (or sometimes still do) criticise for being so stuffy, restrictive and stuck in the past. This is a post from a place of gratitude.

It is a post to honour and thank those that have helped shape and mould me to this point. Those that I have learnt from, both those that were intending to teach me and those that had no idea. Those people that showed me love, support and encouragement.

My family that have been with me on this journey of life from the very beginning and are still a massive source of support for me, to those that I have recently met.

As I reflect, I think upon Low Grange infants and Juniors from which I still have friends, all of these years later and others I have lost touch with. I think of St Michaels secondary school which hold some of my favourite memories and is the place that I met some tremendous people that I never fully appreciated until many years later.

Then there is New Life Church in Billingham which was my first experience of the local church and a place where I felt welcomed from the moment I went. The place I met some of my closest friends and people that nurtured me in my reluctant faith as I asked big questions about life, love and other mysteries.

Summers spent at Bonsall camp which is still the favourite place I have been to on God’s beautiful green earth. The friends I met there, the laughter that still echoes in my mind. Many of my greatest memories – Never Forget.

I think about 2 years spent in Lichfield, interning at Emmanuel Christian centre, learning a lot about myself, independence and a love of youth work. There were also the mission teams that came from the States for 2 or 3 weeks at a time and included people that I am still friends with to this day.

From there there was 12 years spent in Southport, meeting people that were significant in shaping the person that I am today, I met life long friends, saw up close what Love in Action means and I met my amazing wife. There were years spent working at Arden college, which was rewarding and enlightening as well as a time of personal growth. I met some truly amazing people in Southport and working at Arden college that impacted more than they will ever know, people that I still really value today. I have some excellent memories of my time there.

Also mission trips to the work at a camp in the Czech republic where I got to know some truly inspirational people. People that I may never (until now) have told just how inspirational I find them. People that showed me how to serve through excellence.

There is also those people that I have been drawn together with through Manchester United – People that I have got to know in supporterts clubs, those that sit close to me at Old Trafford and those that I travelled with at home and abroad to watch United play all over England and Europe. Some really interesting and amazing people that also happen to support the right team.

In our 5 years in Sedbergh I also met some amazing people, experienced new things and a new style of living in one of the most beautiful places I have ever been to.

During those 5 years was my employment as Youth Coordinator at St Thomas’ church in Lancaster. In this place I encountered some of the most amazing people that I have ever met and many of them were under 18 at the time. I loved my time in Lancaster, so many special memories, so much learnt. I simply can’t think about those times without a big smile appearing on my face and a lump appearing in my throat. Good times, great people.

Following that was two years in Durham, a place that captured my heart. The beauty, the history, the spirituality of the place and enjoying it all whilst being formed through the eclectic community of Cranmer Hall and St Johns college. Thinking of those two years (Well maybe not the first two months) fills my heart with joy and gratitude.

We are now a year into our time at Clitheroe which includes 6 months of Pandemanium and again such a welcoming community of St James Church. I am part of a gited and passionate leadership and staff team that I learn so much from. I am part of a Church congregation that has a real gift of welcome.

There are countless other places and people that I will have not mentioned that have been significant in my journey. I appreciate every single one of you.

I sit here two days ahead of my ordination as Priest as a product of all of these people and places. My hope and aim in life is to be salt an light to those that I come into contact with.

I suppose that this is a long winded (and quite therapeutic) way of me saying thank you for the part that you have played in this unexpected journey – to this point!


  1. Sue Beckham · September 25, 2020

    What a lovely 😊 post Ian…made me smile, and thankful that I met you and Kate at Arden both deserve the best life can offer, and send big love to you both and Congratulations on all your achievements x
    The Church and parishioners are truly lucky to have you in their lives x
    Love Always,
    Sue B x x x


    • sargy7 · September 26, 2020

      Thanks Sue. I really appreciate your words. So pleased that we met you at Arden too!


  2. Alan peacock · September 26, 2020

    Been a pleasure knowing you sarg and ps still is. This stuff works both ways the people you have impacted me for one im over the moon for you sarge and your lovely wife of course wishing you all the best in your new adventure looking forwards to seeing in you in your own community won’t say church cos we are all in the same church that is our Lord and saviour Jesus’s church God bless Sarge


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